Summiting Mt. Apo - "There is no shortcut to the top." (Day 1)

Day 1 ( Aug 11, 2013) : The Jump -off

Well, finally this is the day! It's a dream come true on my travel wishist. We will climb the highest mountain here in the Philippines - Mt. Apo. With an elevation of 2,956 MASL. After 1 -year preparation and flight booking.

I have arrived first at Davao City 3 days before our climb together with my friend and travel buddy Jinky. Our hired service van fetch me at the dorm where i was staying for 3 days and go to the airport to fetch my companions for this climb. Loyd, Shao and Dang. Loyd and Shao was my companion also on our last G2 climb at Romblon; and Dang was a first batch of the G2 crew together with Loyd . I am thankfull, that i meet these fellow mountaineers with a true passion on mountaineering and we became friends. To our eager lead organizer Migo Loyd ,who organize the climb and made this climb possible. 

At past 6:00am they finally arrive, carrying their full backpacks and with full spirit to summit the highest mountain in the Philippines. We go to some karinderias to eat full breakfast. It is a good hearty breakfast; tasting the local food on Davao City. Buy our packed lunch, buy some additional food supply and other needed stuff (syempre d pwede makakalimutan ang stock ng yosi at inumin), and finally going to Digos City on the jump-off point.

The jump -off point is from Kapatagan, Digos City, it is 3 -4 hours travel Davao City with a long winding and rough road. Mt. Apo's magnificent summit is visible as we are appoaching on the jump -off point. We can't wait to experience the challenge of climbing the magnificent summit. 

Breath taking view of Mt. Apo summit, as we are approaching on the jump -off point.

The service van drop us on proper town of Kapatagan, Digos City and we transfer to a pedicab going at the jum -off point. The road is more rugged than on the previous that only tough vehicle or 4 -wheeler vehicle can sustain. We wait for our porter (Mang K- aka Kulas), do some re -packing of our backpacks, some stretching exercise and take group pictures after we arrive at the jump -off point. 

Group picture 4 souls with one determination. "Their is no shortcut to the top"
With the G2 crew and Mt. Apo crew - (L-R) Shao, Dang, Me and Loyd

It's time for jump -off at around 10:00 am at the community of Sitio Mainit, Brgy. Kapatagan, Digos, Davao del Sur. First part of the trail are farmlands of vegetables. It is slightly muddy as the night before was raining. We're thankfull enough that the weather is not too hot, as the trail has no trees to shade us from the sun's heat.

First part of the trail we're on farmville. Farmands of vegetables.

Sitio Mainit, Brgy. Kapatagan, Digos, Davao del Sur farmlands.

Along the muddy road there are horses carrying a farm crops going down to the community. The road get more muddy and with deep tracks of the horses. Jumping to avoid the muddy tracks is the first challenge of the trail.

Horses carrying the vegetables crops going down to the community.

We continue trekking on the muddy trail to reach the first pitstop on what they call " Paradise". This is the first campsite before going on the mossy forest. As going near on the "Paradise, the magnificent summit breathtaking view is getting more clearer.

Thank you for this nice shot Migo Loyd.
 Me and Shao with the background of Mt. Apo summit

Our guide Sir Rodel with a breathtaking view of the Mt. Apo summit.

We reach the "Paradise and take rest for about 15min. Eat some energy food and gather some strenght. Mingle with some local kids and take pictures with them. This is what i like going on a different places to mingle with the community and to share joy with them. 

At "Paradise" first e-camp before the mossy forest. With the local kids.

Our tummy is already complaining and its a sign that we need to take our lunch to have more energy on the trek. For me eating a meal when i climb it's the most delicious meal i have eaten. Enjoying the food and what can give's me energy to sustain the climb.

Before we enter the mossy forest.

Sumptuous lunch is finish and get rest for awhile before we continue our journey going to the mossy forest. The trail at the mossy is getting rugged as we are entering already the Mt. Apo natural park forest. We reach the second e -camp " Upper Sabwag" campsite at around 4:00 pm. Just disappointed a little 'coz we arrive at the campsite so early and we thought of much challenging trail ("wow ang yabang, nabitin"). 

Emergency camp at Upper Sabwag campsite. 

At Upper Sabwag e-campsite. Our first night on Mt. Apo natural park.

Upon arriving at the campsite, we immediately fetch our tent. Mt. Apo natural park is a tropical rainforest, the weather is unpredictable it will rain anytime. Prepare and cooked our dinner. Thank you for our chief cook Migo Loyd, who do all the courtesy to plan our meal for the 3-days climb. 

Cooking our dinner with our chief cook - Migo Loyd. 

The rain pours while we are having our full dinner at around 6:00 pm. After dinner we had some group bonding, chit -chats and never ending laughs; if we are not tired on the almost half- day climb. At past 7:00 pm it's lights -off, we need to take enough rest for tomorrow is another day to continue our climb. As the night get deeper, the temperature is getting colder but i am thankfull on my gear it gives me warm and comfort.

We are thankfull Day-1 is finish and tomorrow's is another day to continue our climb going to the summit.

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